10 times the craziest handbags spotted on the fashion weeks

From a magazine in hand at Balenciaga, a Santa at Dolce & Gabbana to the head of Mickey Mouse at Gucci. The handbags during the fashion weeks all had one thing in common: they extracted the mustard from lifelike objects.

We already spot the craziest examples!

©BrunoPress Handbag in the form of a seashell. Seen at Paris Fashion Week at the spring-summer collection 2019 of Chanel.
©Photonews Handbag in the form of a wardrobe / house. Seen on Milan Fashion Week at Dolce & Gabbana.
©Photonews Handbag in the form of a large bottle of Moschino perfume. Seen at Milan Fashion Week at the spring summer collection 2019 of Moschino.
©Photonews Handbag in the form of a magazine. Seen at Paris Fashion Week at the spring-summer collection 2019 of Balenciaga.
©Photonews Handbag in the shape of the head of Mickey Mouse. Seen at Paris Fashion Week at the spring-summer collection 2019 of Gucci.
©BrunoPress Handbag in the shape of a flying saucer. Seen at Paris Fashion Week at the spring summer collection 2019 of Louis Vuitton.
©Photonews Handbag in the shape of the head of Mickey Mouse. Seen at Paris Fashion Week at the spring-summer collection 2019 of Gucci.
©BrunoPress Handbag in the shape of a beach ball. Seen at Paris Fashion Week at the spring-summer collection 2019 of Chanel.
©BrunoPress A handbag in the shape of a bottle of rosé. Seen at the New York Fashion Week at the spring summer collection 2019 of Brandon Maxwell

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