Man survives 18 days in wilderness by eating only mushroom

A 58-year-old man missing in the Australian wilderness for 18 days has been found safe and sound. Robert Weber survived by drinking water and eating mushrooms.

The man was last seen on January 6, after leaving a hotel in Kilkivan, Queensland, about 200 kilometers north of Brisbane.

According to police, Weber got stuck on a road unknown to him. “He then stayed close to his car for three days, along with his dog, until he ran out of water,” police said.

The man then got lost and decided to stay close to a dam. He survived by drinking water from the dam and eating mushrooms. He slept on the floor. His dog has disappeared.

Man survives 18 days in wilderness by eating only mushroom
AFP – Robert Weber with rescue team

Searches for Robert Weber had been suspended for a week.

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