Why intelligent and beautiful women are increasingly choosing loneliness

Many of us have a wonderful friend in all respects who, for some reason, is in no hurry to start a family. She can joke fun on this topic, but it turns out that this is a serious problem in the modern world: more and more beautiful and intelligent girls avoid permanent relationships.
We decided to find out where the roots of this problem are growing and why more and more girls are reluctant to enter into relationships.
Modern women are independent
Women fight for their rights, change the world and become independent. Many of them have been working on a par with men for a long time, and sometimes even ahead of them in the process of moving up the career ladder.
Even men’s physical superiority no longer plays a special role: a modern woman can pay appropriate specialists to help her transport a heavy load or fix something. And often, this is much faster than waiting for the husband to solve the problem.
Women began to value their free time more
Modern women are increasingly choosing the opportunity to spend time on themselves instead of preparing dinner for their husband and her children after work. Beauty salons, shopping, interesting master classes, and additional education seem more attractive than caring for children and a man.
Women become more emotionally stable
When people joke about strong women living alone with cats, it’s not that far from the truth. Modern women have become morally stronger, emotionally stable, and educated than their predecessors.
The world today gives many girls almost as many opportunities as it does boys. Women are no longer afraid of being left alone and without a livelihood. They prefer to wait for equal partners who respect them instead of sharing their life with the wrong person.
Modern women have high standards
When you make money yourself, have a degree or even two, take care of your appearance and try to grow as a person, you want to find an equal person.
Modern women are not ready to lower their standards and want to see next to those who appreciate their efforts and develop at the same pace. If there are none, it is easier for them to be alone and continue to take care of themselves.
Men are afraid of smart and beautiful women
Many men find it difficult to take the first step towards rapprochement when they see an intelligent, beautiful, and independent woman in front of them. It is hard to imagine that she is alone. Plus, no one wants to be rejected.
Women, in turn, also rarely take the first step towards an acquaintance, expecting this from men, or simply because they are too focused on their lives.
Modern women no longer believe in fairy tales
Modern women have much less confidence in men. This is due to the standards of the era of consumption. Today people easily change partners, and even an offer to marry does not guarantee that it will last for a long time.
On the other hand, modern girls from childhood see films about successful businesswomen who run their own companies or do their jobs perfectly. Today’s world dictates other priorities to us, and we adapt to them.