Nigeria: Senate Speaker implicated in a series of robberies

In Nigeria, the Senate Speaker is in the sights of the police.

Bukola Saraki faces charges over a series of robberies, in which 33 people lost their lives last April.

The facts occurred on April 5 in the city of Offa. That day, six banks are robbed simultaneously by bandits. The intervention of the police was going badly.

There are many police officers among the victims while 22 suspects are arrested.

For now, Bukola Saraki has not been formally summoned by the police. We are witnessing a war of communication.

Indeed, the police is very present on the subject and is based in particular on the accusations made by five alleged gang leaders, which in his opinion directly implicate Bukola Saraki.

The police even organized a press conference to present several suspects to journalists.

The five presumed complied with the game of questions and answers.

Faced with this media staging, Bukola Saraki continues its activities. He chaired this Monday morning a public hearing on taxation in the oil industry. And he responds to the police with a statement.

He says he is open to this “invitation” that he intends to “honor without delay”, according to his words.

On the merits, Bukola Saraki denies being linked to these robberies. On the contrary, Bukola Saraki claims to be the object of a plot to harm him.

He is already involved in an important corruption case.

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