Reasons to build friendships before relationships

Friendship is the first thing you need when developing a relationship. It allows you to get to know a girl for who she is and understand what problems and difficulties may arise in your romantic union. If you quickly move from dating to an official date, you may encounter unrealistic expectations, which in most cases end in disappointment.

But if you make friends first and only then start building a love relationship, you can avoid this. There are several other reasons it is worth starting with friendship, giving free rein to feelings, and offering a girl to be together.

10 reasons to build friendships before relationships

1. Communication skills

Friends communicate honestly and openly without trying to appear better than they are or lying to please each other. They quickly find compromises, talk even on difficult topics, and willingly share their feelings.

By developing friendship rather than a romantic connection, you contribute to effective and healthy communication models in your relationship. Friends will help you communicate with a girl in a way that supports each other, does not hurt, overcomes difficulties, and feels special intimacy.

2. The solid foundation of the relationship

Passion can be overwhelming and exciting. But the problem is that it passes quite quickly, which is why vivid feelings can end in disappointment and a feeling that you made the wrong choice. As they say, pink glasses break the glasses inside. Relationships that start with friendship have a stronger foundation.

The trust and understanding they develop over time provide a strong bond that will stand up to any challenge. In addition, in a relationship that lasts for years, friendship helps to stay afloat and appreciate each other. We can say that she is the basis of the love that each of us deserves.

3. Common interests

Friendship often begins with the search for common interests. These interests help you feel a connection beyond the initial attraction and passion. This common ground encourages compatibility, making relationships enjoyable and prosperous. You and the girl will always have something to do and something to share—this creates harmony and helps you not lose interest in each other.

4. Comfort and convenience

Friendship creates a feeling of comfort and lightness. You don’t have to make sure that you seem perfect and don’t demand it from another person. You feel that it’s easy, warm, and cozy with him. This helps you easily stay yourself in a relationship and not be shy about showing your personality to another person. Such authenticity promotes understanding and respect and helps make relationships strong and long-lasting.

5. Conflict resolution

Friends deal with disagreements differently than strangers or people overcome by strong emotions. They tend to compromise, consider each other’s opinions, and openly talk about what bothers them.

Making friendship the basis of a relationship will help avoid ridiculous quarrels or major clashes that can cause a breakup. You and the girl will listen to each other, not blindly defend your point of view, and find common solutions, not guilty ones—this approach strengthens your bond and creates harmony.

6. Emotional support system

Friends often shoulder each other when they cannot do without support. They do not demand anything in return and do not try to do so out of selfish motives or to influence each other’s behavior. This well-established habit can be invaluable in a romantic context. It creates a deeper connection and a sense of security, contributing to trust and feeling truly loved.

7. Devotion

Friendship cultivates loyalty, a trait that naturally translates into a romantic relationship. Combined with trust, it forms a strong bond that helps to withstand any challenges. You and the girl do not leave each other in trouble, refuse to gossip behind your back, and easily stand up for your interests if required.

8. Simultaneous growth

You and the girl observe and support each other’s growth as friends. This common journey creates a favorable environment for your development and strengthens your feelings. Moreover, you can freely point out some shortcomings and mistakes to each other, offer solutions, and find a way out of difficult situations together. It helps you learn important life lessons and become better.

9. Fun and laughter

Friendship is an easy and pleasant connection, often accompanied by fun and laughter. She brings joy to romantic relationships, which helps to make them solid and comfortable. It’s always nice when you can not only go on dates with a girl but also get jokes that only the two of you understand, as well as kindly tease each other and find reasons for joy every day.

10. Respect for differences

Your girlfriend may seem to be a copy of you in female form, but there are still specific differences between you. They often become a stumbling block for many couples. But if you first built a friendship and only then supplemented it with romance, then there will be no problems.

Thanks to her, you will perceive differences respectfully and not as a reason to criticize or defend your rightness. You and the girl will accept the difference in characters, interests, or views and not try to change each other at all costs. This is the foundation of trust and mutual understanding, which are necessary for a healthy relationship.

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