Signs that a relationship has driven you into a corner and how to get out of It

Maybe your heart skips when a girl’s name appears on your phone screen. You cling to moments of tenderness with her, even if they happen as rarely as a solar eclipse. You continue to live deep down, suspecting something is wrong in the relationship, attributing the girl’s unavailability to employment and life circumstances.
But an inner voice tells you sooner or later anyway.: “It’s not okay.” And you feel like a one-sided relationship has cornered you. You’re constantly waiting for things to change, but at the same time, you feel like it won’t happen. So, it’s time to figure out what you’re experiencing and whether it’s possible to fix the situation.
4 signs indicate that you are stuck in your relationship
1. You feel like a fallback

To your partner, you are more of a backup option than a priority. She only comes to you when bored, sad, or lonely. You become her emotional emergency outlet. She can ignore your messages for days on end, but when she feels she needs support, write herself, expecting you to welcome her with open arms.
You may find yourself constantly justifying her behavior, but this is just an attempt to hide the unpleasant truth from yourself. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M. For the full article. When someone appreciates you, they find time for you. It’s not about constant communication or unrealistic expectations but about the fact that a partner should treat you as a person with feelings and not as a convenient way to close her emotional needs.
2. You expect warmth, but you get cold
Emotional warmth, like a hug, can heal even more significant pain. But if your relationships corner you, you shouldn’t rely on him. You can wait for warmth, but you only get a chilling emptiness. You cling to the rare moments of emotional intimacy, hoping that there will be more, but nothing changes. You feel trapped in your cage and can’t feel at ease. Visit. A F R I N I K .C O M .For the full article. This feeling is only reinforced if a partner, in addition to the lack of affection, often breaks her promises and says more than she does.
3. You feel like you’re banging your head against a wall

Maybe you’ve tried to talk to a partner about having problems in your relationship more than once. But every attempt to communicate ended up feeling like you were banging your head against a wall. Instead of attention, you get indifference, which makes you doubt yourself and that your partner needs you. And every time you fail, you feel helpless. As a result, you drive your pain into yourself and stop expressing what you need, and this only benefits the partner.
4. Your emotions are like a roller coaster
Initially, the relationship could be exciting and full of energy and hope. You felt happy every time you were with your partner. But instead of falling in love developing into a more profound feeling, it became a roller coaster of emotional ups and downs. Every time you get attention from a partner, you’re happy and want more, but when that rush subsides, you realize you’re unhappy with what’s happening between you. But as soon as she gives you affection again, you put aside your doubts. It’s a real vicious circle that makes you feel cornered.
Why not ignore this feeling
Over time, the unbalanced dynamics of a relationship and the feeling that you can’t get out of the corner you find yourself in will undermine your self-esteem. You will start asking many questions, doubting that you deserve love and are interesting. Or you’ll even feel too intrusive or stupid. The more such reflections there are, the more self-confidence and self-worth suffer. You feel like you don’t deserve anything good, which leads to feelings of emptiness, inferiority, worthlessness, and despair.
How to deal with the feeling of being cornered
The first thing to do is stop waiting for your partner to change. This is the main mistake that can be made when a relationship takes on the format of an “angle.” Even if a partner promises that everything will improve, you must look at her actions, not her words. It’s not worth fighting a losing battle when you realize she doesn’t want to change anything. But is there anything you can do if you don’t want to break up? Yes, there are a few things worth trying.
Set the boundaries

Decide what you will tolerate and what you won’t. Make this clear when talking to your partner, even if it seems that she is not very willing to listen to you. Repeat your words a few times, and then observe if the dynamics of your relationship are changing.
Focus on your recovery
Work on self-confidence so that relationships don’t plummet your self-esteem. Invest time in hobbies, exercise, socialize with nice people and practice self-compassion.
Ask for support

You should not live through this difficult period alone. Talk about it with a friend, therapist, or someone you can trust if you feel cornered. This will help you see the situation more clearly and get support.
Take a break
If the relationship is not improving, he suggested that the partner take a short break in communication. This will help you observe your feelings and understand if you want to stay with her. Finally, most cornered relationships cannot be fixed.
If you have done everything for this but realize that nothing has changed, you will have to make a difficult decision, but the only right decision is to leave. Remember that your emotional well-being is one of the most important things in your life. You deserve a girl who doesn’t ruin him but helps support him.