Signs that your partner needs you for self-affirmation, not love

Not all relationships in life are based on sincere feelings. Sometimes, girls stay with us not because they are genuinely interested but to enhance their self-esteem and sense of importance. It can be challenging to notice when this happens, especially if you’re in love. But if you see these signs in your relationship, it’s time to think about it — maybe your partner needs you just for self-affirmation.

7 signs that your partner needs you for self-affirmation, not love

1. Your partner craves attention but doesn’t give it in return

Your partner accepts your compliments and courtship with pleasure, but her energy disappears when it’s her turn to do something for you. Think about it: Do you always feel like you’re the only person in a relationship trying to give? The habit of taking, taking, and taking can be called a classic manifestation of ego-fueling behavior. Your affection acts as fuel for a girl’s self-esteem and self-esteem.

But let’s be honest: a healthy relationship does not exist when one person is constantly on a pedestal and the other feels neglected. This dynamic is also evident in small things: conversations tend towards the girl, plans revolve around her schedule, and when you need support, she always turns out to be very “busy.” It’s not that she doesn’t know about your needs or desires; it’s just that they’re not a priority for her.

2. She avoids deeper obligations

When the conversation turns to something more serious than flirting and socializing, the girl changes the subject or pulls away. Visit . A F R I N I K . C O M .For the full article. Avoiding commitment and keeping you around simultaneously is often a sign that she enjoys the comfort of your presence but doesn’t want the responsibility of a real relationship.

This allows her to have all the advantages without putting in any effort. If a girl avoids clarity and never thinks about your future together, but at the same time does not leave you and keeps you in emotional tension, most likely, you are needed only to please her ego.

3. She only appears when she needs something

Does a girl suddenly show up when she needs a favor, advice, or a vest to cry into? And when you have problems, does she stay by your side? People who enter into relationships for self-affirmation are not ready to give. They will only come when everything is okay with you and you can help them somehow.

This behavior can feel like an emotional whip. You become a comfortable person who is never returned with the same kindness. So, if a girl often asks for your support but is never ready to help, it’s time to consider whether you need such a relationship.

4. She avoids emotional intimacy

At least once, it seemed to you that some invisible wall still separates you and a girl despite the time you spend together. This happens if she avoids emotional intimacy. A girl can open up just enough to interest you, but when the time comes for a deeper connection, she shies away because vulnerability means nothing to her.

This behavior is often rooted in a desire to maintain control. Emotional intimacy requires trust and openness, but if a girl uses you to retain her self-esteem, she won’t want to share that space. It’s safer for her to keep the relationship shallow while continuing to reap the benefits of your emotional investment.

5. It makes you wonder what the relationship is between you

If nothing is clear with a girl, maybe she’s just using you. She may seem loving or cold or talk about a relationship and then behave with you as if you were a stranger. This behavior is a way to keep you hooked. By making you wonder what kind of relationship you have, she binds you to her, but she doesn’t want to get too close. It’s a psychological trick that makes you invest more, even if you don’t get anything in return.

6. She gets defensive when you ask for clarity

Attempts to figure out what kind of relationship you have or to ask what kind of future she sees fail. Any conversation about feelings turns tense, forcing the girl to be defensive. She never responds honestly and clearly and reacts sharply to even the most tactful expression of your needs.

If a girl needs you just for self-affirmation, she may ultimately devalue your feelings or accuse you of creating problems out of the blue. It’s important to remember that a person who genuinely loves and appreciates you won’t do that. He will strive for openness and clarity, creating a sense of security and making relationships enjoyable and healthy.

7. She always needs to be praised

A girl can throw comments like “I feel so ugly today,” “Yes, I know I have an average appearance,” and so on. It’s like a constant game in which she sets the tone and expects you to applaud. This pattern may not be related to her self—doubt – it reflects a thirst for recognition from others. The most annoying thing is that it can make you feel obligated or empty. So think about it: does she value your opinion, or are your words just a tool to make her feel better?

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