A huge city of 200,000 years old in Africa?

An amazing find has been discovered near southern Africa, about 150 miles west of the port of Maputo. These are the remains of a huge megalopolis, the size of which, at the most conservative estimate, was about 1,500 square miles and is thought to have been built from 160,000 to 200,000 B.C.

You can see the number and scale of these ruins by entering the following coordinates into a Google Earth search:

A huge city of 200,000 years old in Africa?

Carolina – 25 55 ‘53.28″ S / 30 16’ 13.13″ E
Badplaas – 25 47 ‘33.45 “S / 30 40’ 38.76” E
Waterval – 25 38 ‘07.82 “S / 30 21’ 18.79” E
Machadodorp – 25 39 ‘22.42 “S / 30 17’ 03.25” E

A huge city of 200,000 years old in Africa?

Looking at the entire metropolis, it is obvious that this was a well-organized community of highly advanced civilizations.

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A huge city of 200,000 years old in Africa?

Thousands of ancient gold mines have been discovered in these areas over the past 500 years, indicating a vanished civilization whose people lived here and buried gold in this part of the continent for thousands of years.

But how all this could have been achieved by people 200,000 years ago is still a mystery…

A huge city of 200,000 years old in Africa?

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