Algeria to create a portal site to attract tourists from all over the world

To encourage Algeria to turn it into a flagship destination for international tourism, in both winter and summer, a showcase site has been created praising the beauty of its landscapes, the richness of its cultural and culinary traditions, the fine craftsmanship, the wide range of hotel services, the quality of its transport, as well as the development of a network of travel agencies throughout its territory.
Last Thursday, in Algiers, on the occasion of the celebration of the Day dedicated to “Tourism and digital mutations”, it is to Abdelkader Benmessaoud, the Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts, that returned the honour to unveil the latest portal sites whose mission is to “promote destination Algeria” to a wide audience, in three essential languages: Arabic, French and English.
The Amazigh language will be added “soon” after the signing of a framework agreement with the High Commission for Amazighity (HCA), while an “electronic tourist guide in the form of application on mobile phones” will ideally complement the portal site. A guide that has emerged from the innovative and creative contribution of “youth-run startups” at the forefront of High Tech and teeming with ideas to attract vacationers to their country.
Abdelkader Benmessaoud welcomed, for his part, that this big Day is “the opportunity to make known the progress made by the Algerian tourism sector in terms of digitization programs”, while recalling having always worked in this direction, through “clear instructions” to promote “the adoption of digitization as a program of action at all levels, given the facilities it offers”.
Fully aware that “the assurance of security conditions is a key factor and a necessary condition for the establishment of stability and the achievement of socio-economic development between nations,” he also stressed that despite “of all the conflicts and threats related to terrorism, violent extremism and organized crime facing the world, Algeria has become a model for cohabitation and peace.”
In this regard, Abdelkader Benmessaoud paid tribute to President Bouteflika’s efforts to promote a culture of peace within the framework of the national reconciliation policy, the establishment of the principles of human fraternity and the promotion of cooperation between the countries.