Atlantis sank, they escaped: What is known about the red-haired and blue-eyed giants who lived in the Canary Islands 3,000 years ago?

Legends tell of the height, bright beauty, and excellent physical shape of the inhabitants of the Canary Islands. No one knows where this mysterious tribe came from 3,000 years ago. The Guanches called themselves the children of the volcano. The blue-eyed and red-haired giants were excellent hunters and swimmers. Unfortunately, the Spaniards destroyed this mysterious person. To this day, their origin causes scientists to be perplexed. Where did the Guanches come from?

fast, and strong. They quickly covered the distance from island to island. They fought the Spaniards fiercely and fearlessly.


people mummified their dead. There are monuments to the Guanche chiefs on the island of Tenerife.

support this hypothesis. It is also possible that the Guanche tribe is related to the Berbers who inhabited the north of the African continent. Their civilizations are very similar.

ween themselves to limit communication.

ous leader did not leave an heir. Power was usually inherited not by children but by brothers. The marital customs of the tribe are also interesting. Marriage could not be concluded between representatives of d

nature, the Guanches met the foreigners unfriendly. When the Spanish navigators reached their islands, the inhabitants of Tenerife began to throw stones at them. Enraged Europeans

of the Earth. However, there is a version that a small part of the surviving Guanches mixed with Europeans, thus continuing their existence.

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