Belarus responds to new western sanctions with its own sanctions

Belarus has responded to the international community’s latest round of sanctions with its own travel ban and import restrictions. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Minsk announced this on Monday.

For example, the country will ban the import of a number of goods from states that apply the “illegitimate anti-Belarusian sanctions”, it sounds. It will also impose restrictions on EU and UK airlines. The ministry did not disclose the names of companies and individuals affected and the specific countries to which the import ban applies.

On Thursday, the European Union reiterated sanctions against Belarusian government officials and airlines, tour operators, and hotels involved in transferring migrants to the EU border. The US, UK, and Canada simultaneously announced new sanctions.

The West has accused Belarus of provoking the migration crisis on the border with Poland in retaliation for European sanctions imposed after Lukashenko’s election victory in the summer of 2020, which he labeled as fraudulent.

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