Cameroonian securities cry out on their working conditions

Ten Cameroonian securities, “survivors of an attack of presumed English-speaking separatists” in the north-west of the country. Send a message to the Cameroonian authorities about their working conditions.

These 10 soldiers publicly declared the non-payment of salary for almost four months. And the lack of premium which, according to them, prevents them from carrying out the struggle against the English-speaking separatists.

The two-minute video shot in one sequence was posted on social networks. “We are left to ourselves, the police station has just been burned by the “Ambas” (name given to English-speaking armed separatists), they say. “We fled for the gendarmerie brigade, but the gendarmes do not want us,” continues the video.

These Cameroonian securities also indicate that their lives “are in danger and that they want to leave the place because of the working conditions”.

According to BBC when contacted the authority. A source close to the security services has recognized the police in the video. But there has not yet been an official response to these accusations.

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