Conductor obliges 2 young black guys to jump out of train in Egypt

An Egyptian train coach must appear before the court because he forced two young men who had not bought a ticket to jump off a moving train. With fatal consequences: one of the youngsters did not survive the jump, the other was seriously injured.

The incident occurred earlier this week in the Nile Delta province of Tanta. Two young guys were caught driving off by the guide. Investigations have shown that the man opened the door and ordered the two of them to jump off the train, according to the state television.

The train attendant himself maintains his innocence. According to him, the two men themselves jumped off the train because they were unable to pay the fine of 3.91, which is the equivalent of the fine. On videos that are distributed on social media, you can see how the supervisor put them under pressure.

The train attendant is accused of inflicting injuries resulting in death, according to the public prosecutor’s office. The incident caused a stir in the country where trains are an essential means of transport for many people.

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