Coronavirus oil: Ghanaian pastor claims his oil cure the virus

Ghanaian Pastor Daniel Obinim has reportedly launched Coronavirus oil, an anointing oil that will help prevent the deadly Coronavirus.

The CEO of the International God’s Way Church is said to have launched the product during the last Sunday service he organized at his church. According to him, the Coronavirus outbreak in China is a concern for him, and out of fear that the disease will reach Ghana, he decided to find the oil: Coronavirus oil.

In a report from Yen, the pastor revealed “Coronavirus oil” during the last Sunday service, he held in one of his branches. He said the oil could be used as a defense both physically and spiritually. The oil costs 200 GHS (approximately 37 United States dollars) and has been approved by the FDA heavenly department, Obinim said.

Coronavirus oil: Ghanaian pas tor claims his oil cure the virus

According to Daniel Obinim of International God’s way center, there is a high probability that the deadly disease is entering Ghana, so he urged members of his church to buy the oil to be on a safe side. Obinim explained that the oil, which is being sold for GHS200, can be used as a repellent to “defend both physically and spiritually”.

“The heavenly department has approved the oil of the FDA,” Obinim made it clear.

Meanwhile, the virus epidemic continues to spread, according to the latest information from China. While the Chinese government is working hard to find a cure for the virus, other countries, including Australian scientists, have replicated the coronavirus in an attempt to develop a vaccine.

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One Comment

  1. All these years, this idiot cannot produce an oil to cure the malaria destroying his people in his own backyard but he is claiming to have an oil for coronavirus from China!

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