It is in your best interest to limit it to a minimum so that they cannot take advantage of you or use you as a stepping stone to achieving their own goals. But how can one determine whether or not a person is fake? Several differences may be made between a person who is faking their identity for financial benefit and a genuine person.
7 differences between a genuine and fake person
1. A genuine person respects everyone, but a fake one appreciates those who can help him
Because it takes some time to get to know someone, it can be challenging to tell the difference between a genuine person and a fake one. However, this is one of the most simple methods for determining whether or not a genuine person is merely pretending to be good.
No matter what position in society they have, how much money they have, or anything else of the sort, a genuine person respects everyone else in their immediate vicinity, or at least those deserving of that respect. The fake person gives power, wealth, and other outward signs of success the highest level of respect, and they only act out of concern for their best interests. Ordinary people who cannot make a difference are of no interest to them, and this can be seen in the way that they act, which is supposed to be nice but is condescending toward others.
2. A genuine person does not go out of their way to please everyone, but a fake person will do anything to win favor
People who don’t put on any pretences are free to go their own way. Since of this, they do not try to satisfy everyone around them because they know that they can’t accomplish so unless they consistently put on masks. This does not mean that they are oblivious to society or the attitudes that it promotes.
On the other hand, people who are fake are willing to employ any strategy, including playing many roles, to win the favor of those close to them. They may discreetly speak poorly of someone behind their back to please some people and then go to those about whom they have talked dirty and perform the same trick. This is done to achieve their goal of pleasing more people.
3. A genuine person does not look for approval from other people, but a fake person is always trying to draw attention to himself
Genuine people, defined here as individuals who direct their life with integrity first and foremost toward themselves, do not require the general public’s attention because they do not require any improvement from their current state.
People who live in an unreal world are always looking for new ways to attract attention to themselves because they believe that their lives are only complete when they are at the center of the action. It doesn’t matter to them if they have to be carried around or are covered in dirt; the most important thing is that they are the topic of as much conversation as possible.
4. A genuine person does not engage in boasting, but a fake person strives to assert themselves at the expense of others
Genuine people do not put up with boasting, which is one of the most important characteristics of honest people. Even if they are in a position to do so, they will not strive to cultivate an image of superiority over others or attempt to cultivate an atmosphere of exclusivity about themselves, even if it is true that they are in a position of having more merit than another person.
People who are not real frequently attempt to establish themselves at the expense of others in order to demonstrate that the people in their immediate environment are no match for them as brilliant individuals who have descended to this earth in order to make it a better place. These types of people frequently lie about or exaggerate the achievements of others in order to gain credit for them themselves.
5. A genuine person is not scared to criticize others; however, a fake one would provide sugarcoated speeches
There is no such thing as a perfect person, and each of us has our share of shortcomings. A person who lives genuinely does not hide their own feelings or opinions, even if doing so may not always be the most popular thing. Naturally, we are not talking about switching between different personas here; rather, the topic at hand is something that provokes anger, worry, or other unfavorable feelings. In such a scenario, a tactfully real person will tell you that it is okay to admit that you are not flawless in any way and that this is acceptable.
Fake people will never offer constructive criticism, even if the person they are conversing with is willing to acknowledge their own mistakes. These types of people will lavish you with compliments, but in their minds, they will be thinking about how disagreeable, stupid, unattractive, and so on you are. However, all they will do while they are in public is act friendly with others.
6. Genuine people keep their promises, whereas fakers are always looking for a reason not to
As was mentioned earlier, fake people are reluctant to offer constructive criticism because they need to maintain a positive reputation to gain from it. As a result, they frequently make a promise, which may be impossible to fulfill, and then, after pledging, they come up with a thousand excuses not to be responsible for their words. Their justifications are well-thought-out and polished down to the finest particulars, and based solely on this information, it is not difficult to deduce that the individual in question leads to a dishonest existence.
On the other hand, a genuine person is able to turn down a request for a promise because he is not frightened of upsetting other people and is aware that it is highly improbable that he will be able to keep the promise. However, if he makes a promise, he maintains it. If he fails to do so, he admits his failure and explains that it was due to circumstances outside his control, not circumstances outside his control, as is the case with false individuals.
7. Geniue people respect those who are more powerful, while pretenders are afraid of them
When a real person is challenged by someone more powerful than himself, they do not back down but instead learns new things from experience. It’s not only about having strong muscles; mental and emotional fortitude is just as important. The honest man acknowledges that many people around him are better than he is, and he is not afraid of it. He does not consider himself the centre of the universe, so the fact that many people around him are better than him does not beat his ego.
A fake person will avoid confrontation with more powerful enemies because they perceive these individuals as a danger to their universe, which is centred on them. Because the fake person follows the method outlined in the previous paragraph, which emphasizes the need to win over as many people as possible, they cannot remove a powerful opponent who poses a threat. Consequently, dishonest individuals with themselves will begin to flatter others and act in an excessively courteous manner.