Egypt: an actress is offered 300,000 pounds by a Saudi to wear veil again

Twelve years after having reinvented her life discreetly, far from the spotlight, the Egyptian actress Hala Shiha decided to take the path of the film sets.

Was she expecting to come out of retirement so dramatically? No one knows, the fact is that the surprise aroused by the announcement of her great comeback was nothing compared to the misunderstanding born of her choice to no longer wear the veil.

Proof in support, the photo showing her bareheaded, without the hijab that usually surrounded her face, caused a sensation on social networks, and it’s a mild euphemism…

It must be said that its new exterior appearance contrasts with the niqab she wore at a certain period of her existence and who dressed her with suspicion: that of her proximity to the Muslim Brotherhood, which precedes or continues her today, and which she continues to deny with force.

On Twitter, in full boiling, tweeted wrongly, Hala Shiha wiping a sharp fire of sharp criticism, until being offered by a certain Khaled, a Net surfer clearly more desperate than the others, the tidy sum of 300,000 Egyptian pounds ($16,754) for a change.

“I am ready to pay you 300,000 Egyptian pounds, just so you wear the hijab again Miss Hala,” wrote the man, as if the very delicate choice to reveal, that one imagines long matured and done in his soul and conscience, could make money.

Subject of stormy jousting on Twitter, the decision of the Egyptian actress certainly made out of their hinges those who stubbornly reduce Islam, this great religion imbued with universal values, to a strict dress code, but it also, and strong fortunately, inspired by nobler sentiments to many others of her fellow-citizens.

Minority on social networks, however, they managed to hear a different story in the midst of the flood of disparaging remarks and other judgments to the cookie cutter.

Unconditionally placed on the side of Hala Shiha, they have been ardent defenders of the fundamental individual freedom to dress according to their tastes, as well as the right to choose what direction to give to one’s life.

Interviewed Sunday by the TV channel DreamTV, the artist in turmoil insisted that his decision to unveil belonged only to her, before responding to the virulence of attacks that have targeted her for several Days: “I do not think anyone knows how God judges us, so who are they to tell me how I will be judged in life after death?” She said.

What definitively close the controversy, unless it raises again more beautiful…

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