Family drama: Man killed five people after a failed relationship

In the Austrian ski village of Kitzbühel, a 25-year-old man killed his 19-year-old ex-girlfriend, her new boyfriend, her parents, and her brother. The perpetrator reported to the police early in the morning and was detained. He made complete confessions. The motive would be jealousy.

The Austrian police stated at a press conference that a man presented himself to them just before six o’clock this morning, put a gun on the desk of the office, and said, according to the police, “very normal” and calmly: “I just killed five people”.

In the family home in the village, the officers could only determine the deaths of the five victims. There was a 19-year-old girl who ended the relationship with the suspect about two months ago. Apparently she now had a new boyfriend, who was also killed.

Last night the woman discussed with her ex in a cafe, after which they each went their way, police said. Then, around 4 o’clock this morning, there was another argument at the girl’s house between her father and her 25-year-old ex-boyfriend. The father sent the man away. He then went home, took his brother’s weapon and returned to his ex around 5:30 am. He then shot the father, the 51-year-old mother and the girl’s 25-year-old brother.

Family drama: Man killed five people after a failed relationship

The perpetrator then entered the separate housing unit where the 19-year-old girl and her boyfriend were. The perpetrator knew the house very well. He climbed onto the balcony, smashed a window, and shot his ex and her new boyfriend. The police could not find the identity of that man yet. The murderer made complete confessions.

The brother’s firearm turned out to be legal and registered. It was in a safe. It is not clear how the perpetrator, who still lives at home, could handle the gun. He was not under the influence of alcohol and had no criminal record and is known as a “silent person”.

Klaus Winkler, Mayor of Kitzbühel, expressed his condolences and said no one should be afraid. Winkler spoke of an “incomprehensible family drama” and a “completely irrational act”.

Family drama: Man killed five people after a failed relationship

ANP, DPA, Oe24,
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