Famous monuments in Africa

Monuments of Africa personify the ancient world, which almost perfectly preserves on this continent.

The most significant African monuments are the three great pyramids. They are located close to each other in the city of Giza. Usually, tourists visit there on an excursion from Cairo, the capital of Egypt.

Africa’s Famous Monuments – Pyramid and Tombs

The Pyramid of Cheops

It believes that the pyramid of Cheops erects in the 26th century BC. However, modern research by scientists leads us to other information: the pyramid is more than 8000 years old.

Today, Egyptology does not name new official data. Still, radiocarbon analysis suggests that the organic compounds remaining inside the pyramid are at least 8000 years old. This is only data on the remains found and how much more can hide here from modern man.

Pyramid of Khafre

Pyramid of Khafre

This pyramid is the second largest. And if the pyramid of Cheops remained untouched even despite the massive influx of tourists, this pyramid protects from travel hunters who gradually destroy it with their visits.

Pyramid of Menkaure

Pyramid of Menkaure

This pyramid is not of particular interest for tourists but Egyptology. True, it is the smallest among the three pyramids – its height is 66 meters.

Tutankhamun’s tomb

Tutankhamun’s tomb

This place finds recently, about a hundred years ago. And today, the culture of Africa cannot but ignore the study of the origin of this place.

However, almost every tourist can look at the attraction as part of one of the excursions. The museum presents not only the tomb itself but also the jewelry found near it.

Sphinx – monolithic statue

Front view of Sphinx and Khafre pyramid in the desert of Giza, Egypt
Front view of Sphinx and Khafre pyramid in the desert of Giza, Egypt

It believes that the Sphinx elevates to the part of Pharaoh Khafre, but there is no exact data on this score. In addition, scientists are still arguing about the age of the monument. According to one version, it was built long before the pharaohs. But who and in whose honor it made – there is no exact information.

Africa’s Famous Monuments – Temple

Temple in Luxor

This place is usually very popular with tourists. It was built by Ramses, the third – of the pharaohs. Today it is reliably known that the temple symbolized the precursor of the new future of ancient Egypt. The structure looks like a building with one entrance, consists of stone, figures of people – ancient Egyptians – are carved on its walls.

Temple of Hatshepsut

Studying the cult buildings of Egypt, one cannot pass by the temple of one of the queens. As the story goes, at some times, a woman ruled Egypt. Although not everyone agrees with this version, and you can often hear that one of the pharaohs built this temple in honor of his mistress.

Africa’s Famous Monuments – Cartouche

Cartouches are similar to modern passports, but the cartouches own by rulers, famous people, and other personalities. Ordinary people didn’t have cartouches. You can see them near Luxor, in stone buildings.

In the buildings, in the form of cartouches, you can see bracelets, primarily gold. Once they confirmed the essence of a ruler or important person who needed to verify their identity and origin. A little later, ordinary people also became interested in cartouches; however, they are practically gone in the museum.

Often these were bracelets that order from jewelers. Names engraved on the bracelets, and whatever the customer said, it knocked out.

Tower of History Contradictions

There is a monument in Africa that erect a relatively long time ago. It locates in Tunisia. When a tourist enters the capital, he sees this monument in the form of a chapel; when he leaves, he also sees it, only the other side.

Once upon a time in this African country, there were many problems against the background of the inconsistency of historical data from some sources to others. As a result, in the form of reconciliation, a monument to the contradictions of history was built, after the construction of which the problem of disputes partially resolves.

Monument of desires – scarab beetle

There is a monument in the Karnak temple. It is believed that if you walk around the monument several times in a circle, any wish will come true. Whether it is true or not, no one knows for sure, but the place is sacred anyway. Why Scarab? It was believed that scarabs have secret magical powers, so a monument was erected in their honor.

Today in the temple, you can buy bracelets, rings, earrings, and amulets in the form of scarabs adorned with precious stones. In Africa, there are also early Christian monuments that have survived to this day. Tourists coming to Africa travel here throughout the continent, but Christian sites can find mainly in the northern part of the continent.

“African Renaissance”

The largest monument in Africa, which is installed in the capital of Senegal, Dakar. It opens in 2010 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Senegal’s independence.

The monument makes of bronze foxes, the thickness of which is about 3 cm. The height of this structure is 49 meters. This monument is vast, so it even decides to enter it into the Guinness Book of Records. Even though the countries of Senegal are poor, President Abdul Wad built it for $27 million.

The most exciting and mysterious fact is that the monument not build with donated money or sponsorship funds. The entire amount allocates from the state budget. The people were against such a monument in Africa because there are problems and, more importantly, no one listened to them.

The sculpture represents a man with a child in his arm and a woman standing next to him. According to the sculptor, Pierre Goudiaby is a symbol of getting rid of the European colonialists.

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