Ghana: A filmmaker explains what happens to men who give gifts to women

The Ghanaian filmmaker, Kofi Asamoah, said that all the good men who gave gifts to women without asking for sex in return died of masturbation.
Obviously, Kofi Asamoah means that once a man begins to offer expensive gifts to a woman with whom he can be in a relationship, then sex should also follow as a recognition of kind gestures.
Explaining his thesis, he argues, “You’ve probably been told to do great things for the people you want to attract. You may even have been advised to buy gifts, cook dinner parties, pay for romantic dates, or make thoughtful gestures to win a love affair. These strategies were unique to the elders in the “backyard” of previous generations – and are common tactics in animals as well. But just because gift tactics are common does not mean that it is always so effective. Thus, nowadays many men, also exchange gifts or positions in the office with sexual favors.”
A Twitter subscriber who was worried about this sad development, wrote: “What happened to all those nice gentlemen who could take care of a woman and buy her gifts without asking for sex?”
Kofi Asamoah while answering the woman said: “Sister, they all died of masturbation”.