Ghanaian turns plastic waste into fuel for cars

At a time when plastic has become a herculean threat to many countries, in Ghana, young people are undertaking projects that turn plastic waste into fuel such as lubricant, diesel, and gasoline for domestic use.
The project was supported by GEFSGPGhana, UNDP Ghana to launch the pilot phase of this commendable initiative.
Despite access to extremely limited resources, these determined young Ghanaians from Banda Nkwanta in the Brong-Ahafo Region have discovered ways to convert plastic waste into fuel, which could hopefully be used to power cars and household appliances.
Projects of plastic to fuel are beginning to gain ground in the energy sector, with the growing awareness of environmental damage caused by single-use plastics and people’s inadequate recycling habits, pushing researchers to turn to alternative methods of disposal.
Creative Ghanaian geniuses use very simple and local means to turn plastic waste into fuel. Their solution of turning plastic into fuel promises not only to reduce this widespread pollution but also to provide a significant economic benefit to Ghana.
Plastic-derived fuels are also able to produce cleaner-burning fuels than traditional sources because of their low sulfur content since most developing countries use high sulfur diesel.