Gigantic bear drew in snow but wonders how navel was made

A puzzle in the snow keeps the residents of Montreal in Canada under the spell. Someone pulled the contours of a gigantic bear on the ice of the Canal de Lachine and now everyone is talking about how the artist made the navel for god’s sake.
It was the local division of CBC News that brought out the story. The bear appeared in the snow yesterday, near a pedestrian bridge that spans the canal near Saint-Henri. Soon the attentive viewers noticed that the navel of the animal is very far away from the other tracks. And they wondered how the artist would have made that belly button.
Hypotheses of navel
According to CBC News, there was easily two meters between the navel and the circumference of the bear and immediately the wildest hypotheses circulated. The most obvious: that the artist had jumped. The problem is that the bear – as mentioned – was drawn on the ice and that there are no glide tracks on the navel. It is also a good distance to jump. And if you have to go back from the navel to the edge, you cannot take a run.
Others looked a little further and suggested that the maker had used snowballs and thrown them to the spot where the navel is located. The problem is that the person in question must be able to aim incredibly well, because the navel is perfectly formed and consists of no less than four prints in the snow.
Some thought of a drone or a hockey stick. The latter theory is reinforced by the perfectly shaped eyebrows of the bear, which can also be made with such a stick. It may also have been a shoe on a stick, that’s how it sounds.
Just as deeply
Another popular theory is that the navel was already there. And that the rest of the bear was rounded off afterwards. The question remains how these original prints were made. The prints of the navel look as deep as those of the rest of the bear.
The question remains unanswered for the time being and so we happily go on fishing. Some even go so far as to think that they were aliens, in imitation of the well-known crop circles.