Girl tests: figuring out who you are

Maybe you didn’t even notice that the girl you started dating was checking you out. Women resort to tricks that help test your strength and understand who you are. And do not blame them for this — it is better to find out why they do this and what techniques they use most often.

The female mind is very resourceful, and the traps it prepares are ingenious. To make it easier to understand them, we will conditionally divide the checks into four categories.

Some are obvious and understandable, while others are secretive, so much so that you do not realize when you participate. But you become invincible knowing how to react correctly to every female check. So, here are four categories worth remembering.

Four tests girls use to figure out who you are

1. Breaking promises

She promises to call, but her phone turns off, or she arranges to meet you at a restaurant, and you wait like a fool for two hours, but she never shows up. Breaking promises is the first kind of female strength test. She wants to understand your patience and interest in being with her.

A girl may also wonder if you will pursue her repeatedly, showing assertiveness and creativity. Of course, empty promises are annoying and annoying. But if you don’t give up and let a woman know you can handle them, she will trust you more and instead want to start a relationship with you.

2. Renunciation of dating

It can be said that refusing to date is another kind of unfulfilled promise. But we decided to discuss it separately since it occurs often. And yes, this is one of the most frustrating tests you’ve ever encountered unless you have plans for a specific woman and several “spare airfields” you can meet with on any free evening.

You must be patient and perseverant when you want to win a girl’s heart. Do not give up if she cancels a date at the last moment; ask when it is convenient for her to meet next time and come at the appointed time.
Of course, there is a limit to everything, and if a girl “plays” with you by refusing dates for too long, she may not be interested in you, but she can’t say it openly.

However, it often happens that after a couple of refusals, you still find yourself next to her, and in this case, the girl will be sure that you are ready to pursue her and that she is a priority for you, not an option.

3. Requests for help

Requests for help can also be a test, even in small and insignificant matters. This is a subtle way to get you to invest time, effort, and money in a girl. On the one hand, you should not refuse to help her if you are interested in a relationship. But going against yourself and pleasing her in everything is not the best idea since she may not see you as a potential lover but as a good friend.

But going against yourself and pleasing her in everything is not the best idea since she may not see you as a potential lover but as a good friend. Finding a middle ground when it comes to helping can be challenging, but it is possible. Provide services selectively so as not to look like a simpleton who can be used to your advantage.

4. Questions, challenges, and confrontations

A girl can tell you phrases like “You’re a pickup truck, aren’t you?” or “You’re just trying to get me into bed, am I right?”. It is unpleasant to hear such a thing, primarily if her assumptions do not correspond to reality. But such a test can be passed while remaining calm and turning on the charm.

Flirt with the answer to tricky questions, say something sarcastic if she perceives it correctly, or laugh it off. Remember: excuses and attempts to convince a girl in this matter are taboo. Why? Yes, because they are usually resorted to by insecure people or those with something to hide. Be persistent in the face of unpleasant questions, and you will be able to win the girl you like despite her checks and tests.

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