How to hide “Last Seen” from your WhatsApp

If you are one of those people who want to take their time before responding to WhatsApp, there is a simple and easy solution. Hide your “last seen”!

Let us admit that this insistence that many social media have to show when and for how long you are active is sometimes very stressful, especially if you are one of those people who tend to take their time and respond whenever they want to an incoming message. WhatsApp’s “Last Seen” and “online status” are features that follow this condition by informing if you are and when you were last active in the application.

The good thing is that there is a way to stay incognito straightforwardly and quickly. Just follow the steps we present to you below, with only a minor drawback that you will find at the end of the text.

We must emphasize here that there is a disadvantage, as is the case with the corresponding option in Facebook Messenger. From the moment you select “Nobody”, no one will see when you are active in the application, but you will not see if your contacts are active accordingly. That being said, it is not exactly an unfair deal if it is offered to you in this way.

After all, if you want to keep only a part of your privacy using Whatsapp, I’m sure you will not care much if you do not see the status of those around you.

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