How to stop intrusive thoughts

A stream of negative intrusive thoughts can occur for several reasons. This condition is often experienced by people who have recently experienced severe stress or those experiencing emotional burnout. To get rid of negative thoughts, it is important to work on yourself and understand how to live in harmony with the inner world. Together we figure out what actions and habits will help in the fight against obsessive thoughts.

7 tips to get rid of intrusive thoughts

Determine what thoughts haunt you most often

Most often, intrusive thoughts occur in those who have experienced traumatic situations. Scrolling through the head of negative memories and unpleasant events can be associated with an emotionally unstable state, phobias, and depression. Obsessive movements often accompany obsessive thoughts.

This can be expressed in the habit of shaking your head, biting your nails, touching your hair or twitching your leg violently. To determine what obsessive thoughts you scroll through your head most often, try to follow your actions and understand at what moment the desire to perform a mechanical action is most acute.

Learn to identify triggers

To understand how to get rid of obsessive thoughts, you need to determine what factors provoke them. Try to understand when exactly negative thoughts appear and what precedes this. To identify negative triggers, try writing down how you feel about the actions you take every day.

In the emotions diary, write down how you react to external stimuli and what feelings you get from communicating with your parents, colleagues, or friends. Over time, you will begin to understand what actions or conversations most often provoke negative reactions and obsessive thoughts.

Realize that you can’t always control your thoughts

By letting go of the need to control all your thoughts, you can begin to treat them less painfully. Psychologists advise abandoning the role of the victim in dealing with your thoughts.

It is important to understand that a person can only control his actions and deeds, but not thoughts. If intrusive thoughts prevent you from doing business and living life to the fullest, try to find a method that will allow you to put them on the back burner.

Do more of what makes you happy

Even if you often plunge into a state of reflection and scroll negative thoughts in your head, it is important not to stop doing your activities. A new hobby will help drive away negative thoughts.

If you have long dreamed of signing up for vocal lessons – do it; if you dream of devoting more time to draw – buy an easel and paints. By doing what pleases you, you can change your attitude towards life.

Psychologists confirm that people who surround themselves with pleasant little things and do not forget about their hobbies are much less likely than others to face emotional problems and obsessive thoughts.

Start meditating

Meditation will help to distract from negative thoughts and calm down. In a rapidly developing progressive world, we do not always have enough time to calm down and achieve harmony. In the meditation process, you can not only observe yourself and your feelings but also clear your head of negative thoughts and emotions.

In addition, meditation has a positive effect on the nervous system, increases stress resistance and, in principle, improves the general condition of the body.

Change your attitude towards life

People with low levels of stress tolerance are more likely to experience intrusive negative thoughts. Therefore, it is important to learn how to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances and focus on negative factors and positive life changes. A pessimistic approach to life negatively affects both emotional and physical health.

In the fight against obsessive thoughts, building a clear action plan, setting specific goals and investing strength and energy in those projects that cause you emotional uplift and interest will also help you.

Seek help from a specialist

Obsessive thoughts can cause constant feelings of anxiety, hatred and fear. Over time, this will develop into compulsive habits. If you constantly check if the front door is closed, if the iron or stove is turned off, this may indicate that obsessive thoughts are firmly rooted in your mind.

People suffering from this condition also often struggle with unhealthy eating habits, obsessions with cleanliness, and other obsessions. If intrusive thoughts cause you significant discomfort and interfere with your daily life, it may be worth seeking help from a qualified specialist. He will help determine the root of the problem and tell you how to cope with a state that destroys the psyche.

Note* Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional for any questions you may have about your health or condition. Never disregard a health care professional’s advice or delay getting it because of what you read on this website.
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