In these five jobs you probably earn more than your boss

You can make a career in two ways: either you work as a manager, or you become a specialist in your own field. The absolute experts within a company or a certain sector sometimes earn even more than their bosses. The director of the hospital versus the specialists working there is an obvious example, but it can also happen in the following jobs.

Software developer

Because the shortage of IT professionals is constantly increasing, good software developers are real goldheads on the job market. They lay the link between complicated ICT programs and how the user experiences the end product. Large technology companies throw everything into the battle to attract the best software talent on the market, not least by offering high wages.

Risk manager

In companies where there is a lot at stake, risk managers are indispensable. This can involve assessing financial risks to the elaboration of all possible risks that exist in large projects. Risk managers work out a policy framework, from prevention to evaluation and solutions for operational errors or accidents. They also monitor international developments and see what impact they can have. A warned person counts for two!

Automation engineer

Today production systems are highly automated, but that does not mean that people are unnecessary. On the contrary: specialized experts ensure that the machines can optimally support people. Engineers specializing in automation ensure that systems and processes work optimally, and develop new processes that fit in well with existing systems.

Financial analyst

Without good financial staff, every company can be dissolved. Financial analysts are also good at ICT and risk management and can expect a good salary with that range of tasks. Creating budgets and developing financial forecasts is a breeze for these experts. Their analyses are presented to the managers so that they can make the right choices to make the company grow.


Those who are good with numbers are a valuable addition to any company. Statisticians can therefore count on attractive remuneration. They can also work in all kinds of sectors. In the R & D, for example, where statistical skills are used to set up research and growth strategies. Or they end up in sales, where their insight into complicated figures about consumption trends can boost sales.

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