In Touba, President Déthié Fall returns to public life after a long absence

As a prelude to the Grand Magal, President Déthié Fall went to Touba this Tuesday, August 20. The honorable Malick Gueye and a strong delegation from the PRP accompanied him.

During this visit, he was received by Serigne Mountakha Mbacké Khalife, general of the Mourides, “who was delighted with his trip and offered prayers for him.”

President Déthié Fall then visited Serigne Moussa Mbacké Nawel, who gave him a friendly welcome. The latter affirmed that Déthié is his “son” and that he will “always continue to guide him and pray for him.”

Before his return to Dakar, President Déthié Fall was received by Serigne Bassirou Abdou Khadre Mbacké. The latter was keen to highlight their friendly relations and the “preponderant” role that President Déthié Fall “has played in recent years in the country’s progress.”

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