Ivory Coast: a thousand artists meet at Masa in Abidjan

Côte d’Ivoire celebrates African culture until March 17th, with the 10th edition of Market of Performing Arts of Abidjan (MASA).
But not only in Abidjan since this year shows are also held in Bouaké, Yamoussoukro and Korhogo among others. A good thousand artists from all over Africa and the diaspora have met.
Inside, story and dance, outside, music and then theater, street arts, humor and slam… There’s something for everyone this Sunday night at the Palace of Culture in Treichville, Abidjan. With theme: Heritage Night.
And what heritage since fifty African countries and some international are represented. A real arts market for the Ivorian Rita Djieka Legre, from the group of women singers “Les Femmes Battantes”: “It’s fun because we have time to show what we are used to doing, what we do every day, the arts. This is our job. We do not have another job. So it is a pleasure for us to be able to show what is being cultivated every day to this Ivorian public and to all this public also from all over the world”.
More than a thousand artists came to speak this year, even those we did not suspect. For the first time, the Togolese Hyacinthe Atta animates part of the festivities and hopes to make a place in the world of the show: ” It is time that we communicate for us too. We must now consider ourselves artists. The stage entrance, for the rising of the curtain, I had a direct on Facebook to show the world: here I am on the stage of Masa, the big stage, I present a show tonight