Jasmine and Jeremy lose 100 kilos in one year: “We wanted to set a good example to our daughters”

Together a hundred kilos lost in one year: Jasmine Parent and her fiancé Jeremy Crawley have delivered a real feat. Intensive exercise and a much healthier lifestyle have led to an impressive transformation. “We wanted to set a good example for our two daughters,” says the 30-year-old Canadian.
The parent couldn’t cope with her father’s death six years ago, so she found a food outlet. A lot of food… The counter on the scales at some point increased to 134 kilos. Now there are 77 kilos left, so on her own, she is suitable for a weight loss of 56 kilos. After surgery to remove excess skin, the 30-year-old woman shines like never before.
But Crawley also made an active contribution. He started at 150 pounds and now has 106 pounds. Almost a third lost. “I never thought we would succeed so well,” says Parent. “Our eating habits were terrible. We hardly prepared any food at home, and our money went to junk food.”
The lovebirds were already solidly built when they met on Instagram. “But after the death of my father, the fence completely went down,” the woman explains. “I became a pure emo-eater, and the pounds flew. My biggest fear was that I would become a mother who raised her children without any fool. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I almost puked.”
A photo in which Parent poses with her best friends would eventually become the turning point. “I didn’t know it was that bad with me. My mouth fell open in surprise, I was ashamed to death. I was in my twenties, but I couldn’t even climb the stairs without hurting my knee.”
The seriousness of the situation also dawned on Crawley. “Not normal how wide I had become. We decided to do something about it together.”
Thanks to fitness videos, the couple started moving in their living room. Add to that a healthy eating pattern – no more salt and sugar – and the effect became visible quickly. “My energy level went up with a jerk. I felt better, I was finally the daddy and the partner I wanted to be,” says Crawley.
But it didn’t all go smoothly. “All those sacrifices … There were days when I was about to give up,” Parent admits. “But I persisted because I wanted to be an example for my daughters. Ultimately it is about what priorities you place. Are you going to watch Netflix for half an hour or are you going to use that time to get a good sweat?”
In the meantime, the woman with a tummy tuck has also overcome her last obstacle. “I had worked extremely hard to get a trained body, but then I was left with that excess skin. If I wore pants, you just saw that bubble. No boost for my self-confidence.”
And so she went under the knife ten weeks ago for a four-hour operation. “I’m recovering well now. It is a fantastic feeling to reach your goal weight. I can finally look in the mirror with love.” Her story inspired so much that she has now collected 167,000 followers on Instagram.