Jihadists attack US-Kenyan military base

Fighters from the al-Shabaab Somali terror organization attacked a military base in Kenya this morning. The Kenyan army reports that. ‘Camp Simba’ is used by both Kenyan and American troops.

In a statement that al-Shabaab spread, the terrorist group said the attack was carried out by a “group of elite soldiers” called “the martyr’s brigade.” The attack was targeted at the military base in Manda Bay, in the Lamu archipelago in the southeast of the country.

“American Crusade against Islam”

According to al-Shabaab, the base is “one of the many launch pads of the American crusade against Islam in the region”. The Islamic terror group published a photo of masked militants near a burning airplane. Furthermore, the group claims that Kenyans and Americans were killed and seven planes and three vehicles were destroyed in the attack.

The Kenyan army reports that the attack took place around 5.30 a.m. local time. The fighters of al-Shabaab were thereby “successfully repulsed”. At least four terrorists died, it reads. Explosions have been seen, presumably from fuel tanks that have been set on fire. The army says the fires are under control.

Al-Shabaab in neighboring Somalia

The Sunni fundamentalists of al-Shabaab have been fighting for power in Somalia for years. Since 2011, Kenyan troops have also been taking part in the fight against the terror group, which means that the terror organization has since also regularly carried out attacks in Kenya.

Jihadists attack US-Kenyan base
©Google – Jihadists attack a military base in Kenya’s Manda Bay.
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