Jihadists kill ten soldiers in Mali

At least ten Malian soldiers were killed today by an attack by suspected jihadists on an army camp.
The attackers arrived in the early morning through the forest on motorbikes and trucks and attacked the army camp. Vehicles were set on fire or taken away.
Afflicted by violence
The country has been plagued by violence for a long time. Earlier this week, the Malian government submitted its resignation. President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita has accepted the resignation of Prime Minister Soumeylou Boubeye Maiga.
No official reason for the dismissal was given, but there was the talk of a motion of no confidence against the government. Opponents blame the government for not having acted vigorously before and after the attack on 23 March. 160 people were killed in an attack on the village of Ogossagou.
Yesterday, a soldier from the UN peace mission Minusma in Mali was killed by an attack on his convoy. That happened on the road between Douentza and Boni by a mine or roadside bomb. Four other blue helmets were wounded.