Kenya: Angry women chase bar waitress for being too beautiful

Several women broke into a bar in Sagana, Murang’a County, Kenya, to expel a “pretty” waitress they suspected of sleeping with their husbands.

The women, some with babies on their backs, sang songs against the waitress who, according to them, had forced their husbands to flee their homes. Some of them even accused the woman of befriending their husbands and sons. The women showed their anger promising not to move until the waitress was forcibly evicted.

The uprising increased a notch when their husbands came out of the bar to keep their angry women from entering. The couples jostled each other in front of the amused residents. The men blocked the entrance to the bar while they were arguing with their wives. The men were able to control the women and save the waitress from the bar.

Satisfied that their message was heard, the women withdrew. The women said the bar waitress posed a threat to families. One of them said her husband had been away for a week after running away with the waitress.

“I came back that my husband abandoned his family for no apparent reason,” she said, adding that he had lied to her on the pretence of being stuck in Nairobi. It was later that she discovered that he was in the bar. However, several men defended the waitress and accused their wives of being “arrogant and dirty”.

“No intimidation will force the men of Kabuta to leave the beauty in our village,” said one of them. “They should learn from her how to live better with men. These women from the neighbouring county are beautiful and the girls from Kabuta should learn a few things,” he added.

The local administrators calmed the protesters and summoned the waitress to explain the cause of the conflict. After the confrontation, the owner of the bar returned his employee to prevent her business from being damaged.

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