Kenya: A man sues a condom manufacturer

In Nairobi, Kenya, a resident has taken legal action against the illegal marketing, selling and distribution of Zoom condoms.

Williamson Nyakweba Omworo on Tuesday continued Beta Healthcare, the Kenya Bureau of Standards (Kebs) and the Kenya Tax Authority for the sale of condoms, which he considers to be of inferior quality.

In cases before the High Court, Omworo said he used Zoom condoms for about 10 months before realizing they were substandard.

The complainant claims that he bought Zoom condoms in several shops and pharmacies in different cities across the country. However, he stated that he contracted sexually transmitted infections despite the use of condoms. Some women with whom he had sex became pregnant, he told the court.

Through counsel for Charles Gomba & Company, he stated that he learned that Zoom condoms were banned from the market in Uganda because they did not meet the required quality standards and were declared unusable.

He told the judges that he had submitted a request for explanation to the standards office but never got answers to his questions because the agency was evasive on the subject.

He accuses Beta HealthCare of violating his rights as a consumer.

“I bring this petition as an individual and on behalf of the citizens of Kenya because the issues raised here affect their health and safety,” said Omworo.

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