Life of a Japanese man who spent 2 million to turn into a collie

The children’s comic rhyme “It’s good to be a cat, it’s good to be a dog…” does not seem funny to everyone. Some quite adults seriously want to turn into a four-legged pet. And one of these eccentrics completely got into a dog’s skin and did not want to get out of it at all!

A Japanese named Toko literally turned into a collie and now lives like a dog. Who is hiding under a dog’s skin, that is, what a man looks like in real, human life, remains an intrigue.

Two million and you are a dog

Toko-san admits that becoming a dog was his old dream, and now, finally, he has decided. The man turned to the Japanese company Zeppet, which sews unusually realistic animal costumes on individual orders (for example, for holidays or filming). It’s officially called “Dog Modeling Suit”.

The result exceeded all the wildest expectations: the collie turned out to be so realistic that, looking at it, you would never say that a person is hiding under the dog’s skin and an elongated muzzle. The dog costume cost the man two million yen, or about $12,600.

A man is hiding under the dog’s fur

According to the company employee who sewed the costume, it was very difficult to make a model of a dog – it was necessary to cut out and sew a large number of details and, of course, to make numerous fittings. The whole job took 40 days.

Arriving home with the purchase and wearing a dog costume, the man was completely delighted. He began to walk around the apartment on all fours, roll on the floor, and bark. And then the newly minted collie asked the operator to film him in a new guise and posted the video on Youtube. The post received hundreds of thousands of likes.

Not everyone understood and made such a decision

In the video, the collie gives a paw, sits down, and then lies on his back and starts waving his dog legs, and he does all this so realistically that you can’t even tell that it’s a person. Without a doubt, in front of you is an ordinary friendly collie! Apparently, before buying a costume, Toko-san trained for a long time in animal habits and got used to the role of a dog for more than one month.

Of course, if you look very carefully, you can still see that a human collie is a little different from a real dog, and Toko’s movements have not yet reached absolute naturalness. But if a man is going to continue to live in the form of a dog (and he declares that he intends to remain a dog), it will be almost impossible to distinguish him from a real collie.

Collie muzzle is quite successful

The opinions of Internet users are divided. Some call a person who spent millions on “such stupidity” a fool. Others, on the contrary, express their support for his courage and assure him that he has made a wonderful pet. There are those who maliciously remark that Toko still failed to become a dog: “No matter how much money you spend, you will not be a real dog,” wrote one of the spiteful critics.

However, the man does not pay attention to the haters – he is happy in the form of a dog because he has fulfilled the dream of his whole life.

Meanwhile, the company that made the suit says they are open for further orders. At the request of potential dogs, the model can be changed – depending on the size of the person and the specific breed. So it is possible, in the near future, our human society will be replenished not only with collie citizens, but also with poodles, shepherd dogs, and St. Bernards with human (though somewhat strange) brains.

Toko has become so accustomed to the image of a dog that you can’t distinguish him from an ordinary pet

Dogs have been accompanying a person for more than one millennium, and, of course, four-legged friends often become full-fledged family members for us. However, love has a fashion, no matter how cynical it may sound. Alas, some breeds are more popular, while others are less.

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