Love letters from Tupac under hammer

Two love letters from Tupac Shakur are being auctioned for a total of 15,000 dollars (13,000 euros). Auction house Moments in Time is also looking for a buyer for a medallion that the rapper wore when he was shot in 1994.
Tupac wrote the love letters to a certain Averel in 1985 when he was 14 years old. In the first letter he introduces himself and explains where his name comes from. In the second letter, the rapper is already a lot more direct. He says that he is daydreaming to kiss her and that he cannot wait to be with her.
A lot more money is being asked for the medallion: 125,000 dollars (110,000 euros). The jewel was dented by one of the bullets that were fired at the rapper.
It happens more often that Tupac stuff goes under the hammer. For example, a letter was auctioned in which he explains to Madonna why he makes it and also the car in which the rapper was sitting when he was killed, is already under the hammer.