man try to kiss lion in the mouth and almost lose his life

Domestic animals are faithful and obedient companions of our lives. But let’s not forget that they are irrational. And instinctive beings that can give us unpleasant surprises.

If your own pets can get to know you and attack you, imagine a lion. Which does not fit into the animals that you can have at home because of their wild behaviour. The internet is full of things that never cease to amaze us. And for sample is the next video that was uploaded on Facebook, where a man appears living with the ferocious lion.

The subject, who seems to be familiar with the animal, begins to caress and play with him. But soon the situation becomes worrisome, because when trying to kiss the lion becomes restless. And throws a bite near his face, which is almost deadly. The attitude of the man is certainly dominant, as he shouts at the animal immediately and then gives him a hit with a stick; the lion is visibly scared away.

This event, in addition to popularizing in social networks, generated many comments from annoying users. Who pointed out the unconsciousness of the action: “What a fool!”, “That man is an unconscious”, “Why did he want to kiss lion?”. This story had a happy ending, but it leaves us wondering if that kind of approach towards an animal of wild nature is good. Or is an irresponsible action because finally the lion would not be guilty of a possible attack, since it is his instinct.

Would you approach a dangerous animal that way?

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