Marisa Papen who shocked Turkey with photos in mosque apologizes

The Limburg model Marisa Papen, who risks up to seven years in prison in Turkey after she had herself photographed naked in a mosque, apologizes. Turkish media write that.

They refer to a statement on the website of the model. “I hope I don’t hurt anyone, and if I do, I apologize,” said Marisa Papen there.

The popular newspaper Sözcü Gazetesi and the more Islamic conservative Yeni Akit Gazetesi, among others, publish an article and show censored photos that the Limburg model made in Turkey.

That happened during a photoshoot in 2018 in the Hagia Sofia mosque in Istanbul. During the same trip, she also posed without clothes on a Turkish flag.

The authorities saw this as ‘obscenities’ and a ‘humiliation of the Turkish state’ and issued an arrest warrant against the 28-year-old woman from Limburg. Marisa Papen, however, was not caught red-handed.

The photos were taken in a matter of seconds and served as publicity for a brand of sunglasses. After the photos appeared on the internet, Turkish justice took action.

Marisa Papen was also criticized earlier when she posed without cloth at the Western Wall in Jerusalem in 2018. She even ended up in jail in Egypt overnight after a photo shoot at the temple of Karnak.

‘Why not?’

In the statement on her website in which the Limburgse apologizes, she advises people to ask themselves why naked photos shock them. “Why does a naked body evoke feelings about what is right or wrong? People ask me: why naked? I ask them: why not?”

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