Mary Daniel, a fairy tale that turns into a nightmare

Mary Daniel’s fairy tale was very short-lived. The young water seller, who became a star after receiving the aid of 25 million Naira, is said to have lied about her story.

However, according to revelations from Nigeria, inconsistencies have been noted in Mary Daniel’s history. Her father is believed to be alive and well, and Mary would have been amputated from birth following an accident.

The story of Mary Daniel, an orphan who lost her parents in a serious accident, has moved Internet users, even great personalities and footballers in Nigeria. And since then, the outbursts of solidarity have multiplied towards her.

According to information from the Lagos State government, the young amputee saleswoman lied about her condition. After being rescued from the clutches of the streets and converted into a model, the Lagos state government had to shell out a whopping N25 million to help her get the proper care.

Mary Daniel

Mary’s dreamed of opening a supermarket and employing two of her cousins. Unfortunately, her beautiful story is turning into a nightmare, as aid has been suspended for the time being.

Young lady Mary Daniel, who sold sachet water in Oshodi, was “exposed” by Nigerians after her story shared online immediately went viral.

The single mother testified “to having lost a leg in an accident which killed all the passengers, including her parents, while she was a teenager”. “Life had become difficult, and she had dropped out of school to fend for herself by selling in the street,” before adding that she was an “orphan with a baby and an elderly grandmother whom she took care of”.


However, according to The Nation Newspaper, the Lagos State government has just discovered inconsistencies in her fairy tales. “It was discovered that her father was alive and that she had been amputated from birth, not as a result of an accident.”

Staged story

Also, the young water seller, Mary Daniel, has been revealed to have started receiving strange calls from those who staged her story, with threats to reveal the truth, unless she gives them their share of the money, reports the source.

Mary daniel story

“There were irregularities and lies in the story of her life that she gave. It was discovered that contrary to what she claimed, including that her parents had died in an accident which had amputated her, her father is alive and that she had been amputated when she was born.”

“It was also discovered that his presence in Oshodi was a staging. Those who worked with her played on the naivety of Nigerians to obtain donations. It all came to light when people started threatening her. She pledged 500,000 Naira, other sums of money, and planned to return to her hometown when the rose pot broke,” said Commissioner Hakeem Odumosu.

“I had to hand her over to the police to avoid any attack on her when she went to the bank. We were worried that these people would follow her, but everything went well. Currently, the state government is preventing her from collecting this money, in an attempt to prevent malicious people from reoffending in the future, by staging stories in order to manipulate people into donations,” Odumosu added.

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