Morocco: beaten for se3xual intercourse during Ramadan

Accused of having se3 in Ramadan, a woman was beaten in Morocco.

The case makes a lot of noise in Morocco. This is the case of a woman who was accused of having se3 in Ramadan and was beaten. The Moroccan site Le360 specifies that the attack occurred in the region of Safi, west of Morocco.

According to the Moroccan press, the young woman was assaulted in Morocco because she allegedly had se3 with an illegal taxi driver.

The aggression, which went around the social networks, have occurred on May 30, 2018, said the media of this country of North Africa.

The Moroccan press reports a video that shows a young woman bleeding inside a van after being beaten by several hooded men, accusing her of having se3z with a stowaway driver in the middle of Ramadan.

“You’re not ashamed, it’s Ramadan! Said one of the hooded men, totally ignoring the woman’s explanation that the driver was driving her to the destination she wanted to go to.”

The case ignites Moroccan social networks, says the press.

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