Moscow is preparing for heaviest snowfall in 70 years

Heavy snowfall severely disrupted road and air traffic around the Russian capital Moscow yesterday. There were long traffic jams on the motorways around the metropolis after multiple accidents had taken place. According to the Russian news agency Sputnik, it is the beginning of much more misery.

According to the news agency, the capital must prepare for the heaviest snowfall in almost seventy years. Forty centimetres have already fallen and according to the weather services the winter weather lasts until Tuesday.

Chain collision

Yesterday, more than fifty cars were involved in various collisions on the southern ring road of Moscow. Also, on a highway in the northwest fifteen cars banged through the snow. All accidents were relatively good. A number of people were wounded, but nobody died.

The snowfall also affected air traffic. At Domodedovo airport, the largest of the three airports near Moscow, a dozen flights have been cancelled yesterday and many other flights have been delayed.


©EPA – Snow plows already had their hands full yesterday in keeping the roads in and around the Russian capital.

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