New shapewear line from Kim Kardashian is under fire

Kim Kardashian has never hidden that she is a fan of ultra-tight clothing. It is, therefore, no great surprise that the reality star brings a shapewear collection on the market, even though it immediately gets a lot of criticism.

“In the past, I always adjusted my purchased shapewear to my taste and style. Moreover, I often did not find shapewear in a color that suited my skin well. That is why I started looking for a solution”, writes Kim Kardashian on her Instagram page. The result: a brand new shapewear collection, called Kimono Solutionwear.

The new line consists of all kinds of bras, shorts, and packages. For example, one of the pants has one leg. “I made this design because I often wear a dress or skirt with a split, and still wanted support,” the other half of Kanye West explains. Each piece is available in 9 different shades. The sizes vary from XXS to 4XL.

That all sounds promising, and yet here and there criticism is made of the latest project from Kim K. Especially the name puts bad blood. After all, a kimono – the typical loose coat or dress with wide sleeves – Is a traditional Japanese piece of clothing. At important events such as weddings or funerals, it is often removed from the wardrobe.

“Why do you choose the name Kimono? This line has nothing to do with Japanese culture?”, Many people wonder aloud on Twitter. Many other critics call the choice of the name ignorant, disrespectful, a gross insult and a great disgrace. The hashtag #KimOhNo is currently even trending on the social media channel.

In addition, some are unhappy about the campaign images for the shapewear collection. Various social media users state that the models are not very diverse. “I would like to see several body shapes,” someone says on Instagram. “All these women have the same body type. It would be nice if this were tackled in a more diverse way, instead of putting forward one ideal image”, it still sounds.

Despite all the comments, many people are enthusiastic about Kimono Solutionwear. The Instagram page of the new project has already collected more than 97,000 followers in one day. It is not yet known when the Kim Kardashian line will be available exactly. Those who want to stay informed of news can register on the website.

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