Now cat in Hong Kong also positive for coronavirus

A Hong Kong cat tested positive for the new coronavirus. The pet owner also has the virus, according to a local government employee. The cat does not yet show symptoms that occur in people with the virus.
According to Hong Kong and the World Health Organization (WHO), it has not been proven that cats can transmit the virus. In Hong Kong, the infection was previously diagnosed in two dogs. It is the second cat with the coronavirus. The first was in Belgium. The cat also got the virus from its owner.
Seven hundred fourteen infections have been registered in Hong Kong. There is rigorous control. Since the first infection, many people have taken measures themselves, such as mouth masks and homework.
Research by the newspaper ‘The South China Morning Post’ shows that the people of Hong Kong are not satisfied with the drastic intervention by the government, but with what the residents themselves do. The newspaper surveyed 850 people, and 70 percent of them think it is the Hong Kong people who stem the virus outbreak. So not by the government.