Peanut to pepper: these funny crocheted hats are a hit on Instagram

Instagram is flooded with great accounts: from travel bloggers to pages full of outfit inspiration, there is something for everyone. But an artist from Melbourne, Australia, takes a different approach. Phil Ferguson gets a lot of attention with the help of his crocheted artworks.

It all started as a hobby for the 26-year-old. “I started my Instagram account five years ago,” he tells Metro UK. “I had the idea to crochet hats in the form of food and to act with that, I had just moved from Melbourne to Perth at that time, so there were not many people there yet.”

I got the idea that if I put photos of my hats on Instagram, I would make new friends in the new city.”

Making the hats is an easy task for Phil. He already made headwear in the shape of a giant peanut nut, a strawberry, a sausag, and a rather impressive pretzel.

“Sometimes I making the outfits goes really fast and sometimes it takes much longer than I expected,” says Phil. His striking creations already caught the attention of 130,000 followers on Instagram.

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