Popular sports journalist reduces breasts: “I want viewers to look at my face”

A popular sports journalist has had a breast reduction. Nothing special, you will say. The reason for this intervention, however, provokes the necessary reactions. “I want the viewers to look at my face when I’m talking,” Natalia Jersonsky said.
The 24-year-old Argentine has a large crowd of supporters on social media. Via Instagram, 1.1 million followers were regularly seen in bikini or shorts, but now she apparently wants to adopt a somewhat more serious image.
In a video that Natalia made just before the intervention, she explains her motives. For example, she says that her bosom also caused problems in the past. “At school I was bullied because my breasts did not want to grow. I was called ‘the flat’. While my friends dreamed of their knight on the white horse, I wished that there would be something to see. But my request was clearly heard too eagerly and now I’m in it.”
There were also professional consequences: the viewers of sports channel ESPN sometimes became too distracted. “I want people to look at my face when I’m talking. I think there are some who will only see how I look for the first time”, she said with a wink.
However, the choice for a breast reduction was also of a medical nature. You know that devilish backache. Natalia also sees new possibilities in terms of fashion. “I never managed to buy a lingerie set of the same size. A dress with an open back? I could only dream of that. It is my body and I do what I want with it.”
From her hospital bed Natalia let it know that the surgery went well. She thanked her fans for the sweet messages they had left behind. On the photo below, you can already see a glimpse of the final result.