Presidential election in Zimbabwe: tight gap between Mnangagwa and Chamisa

The gap is narrowing between incumbent President Emmerson Mnangagwa and opposition leader Nelson Chamisa.

The two men are now only three points apart in voting intentions, according to a recent poll.

Harmonized elections (local, parliamentary and national) will be held on 30 July in Zimbabwe.

Political rallies and door-to-door operations are multiplying in Zimbabwe, just one week before the national poll.

It promises to be tight: according to a recent poll, Zimbabwean opposition led by the MDC harvest 37% of voting intentions, against 40% for Zanu-PF.

A difference of only three points, which seems to indicate that the majority party could lose power for the first time since Independence.

In Zimbabwe, elections have often been marked by fraud and violence. But this time, the executive promised a “free and fair” ballot, the only way to break with the legacy of Robert Mugabe, and attract investors in the country.

Since coming to power, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has been doing a lot of goodwill.

This weekend, he again promised the country’s white farmers that land invasions and farm seizures were “ancient history” in Zimbabwe.

Source: RFI

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