Priest caught in threesome with 2 women on the altar in the church

It seems too crazy for words, but a curious walker caught a priest during a threesome with two women in the United States. In the church, then, on the altar. The passer-by had gone to look because he saw lights burning in the church late at night. An angry archbishop set the ‘desecrated’ altar on fire.
The remarkable events took place on the evening of 30 September. Someone walking past the Catholic Church of Pearl River in the state of Louisiana noticed that, much later than normal, the lights were still on. He then decided to go closer to take a look.
The surprise was great when the witness peered inside, as he saw a half-naked priest perform a number on the altar with two women dressed in corsets and boots with high heels. The altar was also equipped with XXX toys and lighting because the threesome was making a recording.
Video footage
The passer-by, whose identity is unknown, made a film of the spectacle and delivered it to the police. They established that everything was done by mutual consent. Still, They arrested the three participants based on a law prohibiting them from having sXx in a location visible to outsiders.
It turned out to be about priest Travis Clark, in the not so Christian company of Melissa Cheng (23) and Mindy Dixon (41). They are two ‘mistresses’, one of whom is also active as a P – actress. She announced beforehand on social media “that she was going to desecrate a house of God”.
Altar set on fire
Archbishop Gregory Aymond could not laugh about it. He called priest Clark’s behavior “demonic”. So devilish. He suspended the church predecessor and even had the altar removed from the church and set on fire. In the meantime, the new one has been consecrated.

The three sinners are at large again. The priest had to pay a deposit of 25,000 dollars, the women each paid 7,500 dollars. They risk imprisonment for blasphemy in the worst case and otherwise a hefty fine.