Puppy found alive in the ashes of California bushfire

Rescue services in the state of California, which has been ravaged by severe forest fires for weeks, have found a particular survivor in the ashes of a house in remote Berry Creek: a black puppy. It has some burns but otherwise makes up for it.

“The last few days have been tough for our area, so we want to share a positive story,” writes the office of the Sheriff of Butte County. “Our rescue workers were searching houses in the area where the fires raged. They were pleasantly surprised to discover this cute puppy on a large estate in Berry Creek.”

Puppy Trooper was found in the remains of the California wildfires.
©Butte County Sheriff Puppy -Trooper was found in the remains of the California wildfires.

The puppy was found ten days ago in the center of a metal frame surrounded by ashes. The rescue workers gave him food and water and called him Trooper, which is best described as ‘soldier’ and ‘go-getter’.

Puppy Trooper was found in the remains of the California wildfires
©Butte County Sheriff – Puppy Trooper was found in the remains of the California wildfires
Puppy Trooper was found in the remains of the California wildfires.
©Butte County Sheriff – Puppy Trooper was found in the remains of the California wildfires.

The four-legged friend had some minor burns and was checked by a vet. The owner of the animal owns several dogs, but he was unable to get them all to safety in time before he suddenly had to evacuate, the sheriff reports.

In recent weeks, wildfires have devastated more than 1.2 million acres, the largest area ever in the state of California.

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