Reason the second date is much more important than the first one

The first date aims to get to know each other a little and make a pleasant impression. It is often accompanied by excessive excitement, awkwardness, and attempts to appear better than you are. But the second date is significantly different from it. You behave differently and touch on deeper topics in conversations with a partner. It can be said that the second date is much more important than the first one — there are several reasons why this is so.
6 reasons the second date matters more than the first
1. You see a “real” partner

On the first date, you can be focused on making a pleasant impression, so much so that you forget to pay close attention to the partner. Besides, she’s just like you, trying to seem like the best version of herself to meet you again. A second date changes everything — you have more opportunities to get to know your companion better. You stop analyzing your every move and find yourself fully involved in the conversation, listening carefully and noticing important little things.
Besides, when you meet a partner for the second time, you will understand how much she pretended when she talked to you for the first time. You will notice how much her manner of dialogue, behavior, and jokes differ and draw certain conclusions about them. Unfortunately, a partner who seems perfect on the first date appears on the second as someone you want to avoid dealing with. On the contrary, she may become more interesting and attractive when she relaxes and behaves familiarly.
2. You can check your feelings
Perhaps the first date with a partner was so amazing that you think you fell in love with her to the point of unconsciousness. But sometimes, this feeling is a deceptive euphoria caused by excitement and a pleasant time spent. The second date can be called a test of “love chemistry.” This is a chance to reflect on whether you feel for the partner, the feelings you experienced when you first communicated with her, and whether your union will be as good as you thought.
This is extremely important if you are looking for a serious and long-term relationship. It happens that it is on the second date that you realize that your love is nothing more than a pleasant impression, and the partner who seemed perfect is not at all the one you want to date.
3. You will show yourself as you are

A second date is essential because it allows you to see a “real” partner and a moment to throw off social masks and be who you are. You worry less about whether a partner will like you because if she agrees to another meeting with you, she is interested in you. Because of this, you behave more openly and stop trying to be perfect. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M . For the full article .This is much more important than it might seem at first glance. By remaining yourself, you allow the partner to get to know you for who you are and decide if she wants to continue the relationship.
Many couples have broken up just because they’re tired of pretending to be someone they’re not. It’s better to demonstrate what kind of person you are on a second date to let a partner know who she’s dealing with than to grieve that you’re not right for each other after a few months or even years of a relationship.
4. You will be able to establish tactile contact
Not all partners are ready for hugs and kisses on the first date. In addition, tactile contact is only sometimes appropriate on it. If you see each other for the first time, its manifestation may reflect the need for a momentary connection, not a serious relationship. On the second date, you can establish tactile contact, especially if you are sure that you would like to continue dating this partner.
You can put your arm around her, take her hand, and toss her stray curl over your shoulder while you walk. This will help confirm your feelings, get more pleasant emotions, and demonstrate your intentions without saying a word. At the same time, you will not look unnecessarily intrusive or frivolous.
5. It will be easier for you to make the right decision

It may seem small, but going from a second date to a third is a big step. It shows that your interest in the partner is strong, and you are set up for a likely relationship with her. Be careful on the second date to make the right decision, and do not give false hopes if you are unsure of your feelings and intentions. This is your chance to gather as much information as possible to realize whether you are ready to date a partner.
6. You will be able to learn important lessons
It’s only sometimes the second date that ends with the third and subsequent ones. And it’s a shame to realize that a partner who got to know you better decided to stop communicating. This is life, and it happens. Instead of blaming yourself, criticizing yourself, and sinking into the abyss of disappointment, you need to learn the right lessons from the situation and use them to your advantage.
A second date that fails is a great way to figure out what needs to be fixed. Perhaps you were too persistent, couldn’t overcome your insecurities, or tried too hard to seem different from who you are, which alienated the partner. Having dealt with these problems will increase your chances of success in dating.
Another lesson that can be learned from an unsuccessful second date is that not all people are suitable for us, and love, at first sight is more of an exception to the rule than reality; by thinking about what features and views of a partner you didn’t like and why, you can make a more reasonable choice when it comes to a woman with whom you would like to build a serious relationship. This understanding is fundamental to avoid getting burned repeatedly and realizing that the wrong person is next to you.