Reasons President Museveni is publicly doing push-ups

National Resistance Movement (NRM) presidential candidate Yoweri Museveni has decided to show his “stamina” to his young supporters as he continues to seek votes ahead of the 2021 elections.

At the end of his first week on the presidential campaign trail, NRM flag-bearer President Yoweri Museveni demonstrated his “endurance” on Sunday by doing a few push-ups in front of a group of young supporters in Arua, and later by emphasizing how it is possible to be “old but lucid”.

Reasons President Museveni is publicly doing push-ups

At 75, Yoweri Museveni is on the hunt for another term as Uganda’s head of state, and this time around, he mostly has new faces that challenge his quest for the supreme seat, with Norbert Mao of the DP, the only candidate he faced in previous elections.

The newcomers are Patrick Oboi Amuriat of the FDC, Robert Kyagulanyi of the NUP, General Mugisha Muntu of the ANT and the independent candidates, Lieutenant-General Henry Tumukunde, Nancy Kalembe, John Katumba, Joseph Kabuleta, Willy Mayambala, and Fred Mwesigye completing the cast of 11 members.

At 24, Katumba is the youngest presidential candidate in Ugandan history. And as the candidates wrapped up their busy week-one campaign itineraries, Museveni Yoweri once again highlighted his credentials for the 2021 vote, providing a physical demonstration of his abilities.

Reasons President Museveni is publicly doing push-ups

While meeting young leaders from the Lango sub-region, at Muni University in the city of Arua, the leader of the NRM, wearing a yellow shirt and dark trousers as well as his hat brand, descended on the manicured green grass and did push-ups amid the cheers and yells of his supporters.

In a 36-second video, he posted to his official Twitter account, some of the young people in the audience are seen nodding their heads in affirmation and others standing up to cheer Yoweri Museveni on during this moment amid the chants of “NRM Oyee!”.

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