Senegalese murdered his wife to escape from domestic violence in Spain

In other to escaped going to prison for domestic violence against his wife, he chooses to murder her wife and runner away. This is the story of a Senegalese couple living in Spain whose destiny turned into a nightmare. For reasons of work, the husband who is identified as N’diaye entered a sickly jealousy.
The couple lived in the perfect love in Spain. Nothing, nor anybody could separate them until the lady gets her diploma in Secretariat-Accounting when things broke out. Maguette Ndiaye, the mother of two children aged 2 and 4, studied in this foreign country and graduated with good grade, of what her husband did not accept, thinking that her wife will abandon him and go for better greener pasture.
Disputes and conjugal violence punctuated the life of this couple. The neighbourhood could no longer come to their rescue to separate them for the reason of excess fighting all day. Tired of living like this, the Maguette Ndiaye, the wife, complained and the husband was forced by the social workers to stay in check of his wife until the law determines their fate.
The husband thus returned to an unstoppable wrath. Thus, the day the couple should go to the social workers, the husband has found nothing better to do than jump on Maguette Ndiaye and kill her immediately. The latter slotted her in front of their two children. The drama took place on Tuesday, September 25, at 1:30 pm, in Bilbao, Spain, in their apartment located at 25th Street Olerias Atlas.
The alleged murderer did not appreciate the fact that his wife could file a complaint against him for domestic violence. He was indicted for homicide and murder by spouse. Because he could not imagine separating from his wife, much less being imprisoned for domestic violence.