Seven dead at IS attack on bus with Coptic Christians in Egypt

There were at least seven deaths and seven injured in an attack on a bus in Egypt. The bus was with a group of Christians on their way to a Coptic monastery in the province of Minya, south of Cairo. This is confirmed by a spokesperson for the Coptic Church. The attack was claimed by the terrorist group IS.

According to the Ministry of Interior in Cairo, a group of armed terrorists stopped the bus when it was on its way to the monastery of St. Samuel in Minya. The terrorists then opened fire on the pilgrims.

Seven people were killed. There were also fourteen wounded first, but that number has been adjusted to seven. A few people would be in serious trouble among the wounded.

Islamic State
In 2017 a group of armed men also opened fire on a bus with Coptic Christians. They were then on their way to the same monastery in Minya, 28 people died and 22 others were injured in the attack. Even then, the attack was claimed by terrorist group IS.

Copts in Egypt
Copts are a minority in Egypt. An estimated 9% of the nearly 100 million Egyptians headlines, 90% are Muslim. Coptic Christians are often the victims of persecution or attacks.

The Coptic Church, a movement within Christianity, stands out in the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Coptic-Catholic Church. The latter has separated from the former in the 17th century and recognizes the authority of the pope in Rome. The Coptic Orthodox Church has its own pope, Tawadros II. The Coptic Church differs from other Christian movements because it follows a different religious calendar, based on the ancient Egyptian calendar.

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